Time to think? Time for change? Waitoki, Rodney

Time to think? Time for change?


Price: $1,595,000 PLUS GST IF ANY

Stuck at home with nothing to do but think about your next step? What better way to kick start your country dreams than to move to this highly desirable 11.9 acre property.
Sitting pretty on the edges of superb Waitoki Village, an up and coming vibrant community, with an immaculate two bedroom cottage with garage overlooking your quality pasture and fenced paddocks. With a nice easy contour and zoned Rural Production Zone with quick access to Motorways, Silverdale Medical and Shopping Centre and stunning coastal beaches only minutes away. You get the best of both city and country living on your doorstep.
An exceptionally huge barn (120sqm approx) on the property offers ample storage for horse float, cars and sundry vehicles or could be converted to run a home business - you decide. The choices are endless and the barn can accommodate a multitude of toys.
This is a visually pleasing block with scope for improvement and an easy 'in' to your country dream.
Our owners have now retired and moving is your chance. Dream no longer - make it all happen here.
Price | $1.595M + GST if any


Jelena Freeman

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Mobile    021 65 65 63
Office    (+64 9) 916 6000

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